
Monitor clip on speakers
Monitor clip on speakers

In the unlikely event that any item in this order is faulty, damaged or incorrect on receipt, notify us within 14 days and we'll arrange a free collection. The collection fee can be found in the returns information on each product's page on. We can collect your return for a small fee, or you can send it back to us yourself. Please keep hold of all the original packaging until you're sure you want to keep the order. If you decide your order isn't suitable for any reason you can return it - just let us know within 30 days of receiving it. Some items are only eligible for the money-back guarantee if they are returned to us unused and sealed in the original packaging.įor full information on our returns policy, please refer to our returns and refunds information page. We're unable to accept returns of any custom-made items designed to work together as a unique package. If the fault occurs within the first 2 years of your ownership, we'll collect the goods and deliver them back to you free of charge.

monitor clip on speakers

If your goods develop a fault within the warranty period, we'll quickly repair or replace the item for you. If your order arrives damaged, or is incorrect, let us know within 14 days of receiving it and we'll arrange for a free collection. We do everything we can to make sure the right item reaches you in perfect condition. If you decide it's not suitable, you can return it to us for an exchange or a refund, providing the product is in 'as new' condition and in its original packaging. This means that once the product is delivered, you'll have 30 days to decide that you definitely want to keep it. If you purchase our extended warranty for this product, we'll extend the money-back guarantee period to 30 days and the warranty period to 2 years.

monitor clip on speakers monitor clip on speakers

All of our products are new unless stated and come with a 30-day money-back guarantee and a 2-year warranty as standard. You can purchase from Gear4music with complete confidence and peace of mind.

Monitor clip on speakers